BI Governance RapidViews

BI Governance RapidViews
Whether you’re a BI developer, BI manager or business user, the RapidViews platform offers features to help you control and centralise your Analytics.

BI Governance RapidViews

Whether you’re a BI developer, BI manager or business user, the RapidViews platform offers features to help you control and centralise your Analytics.

BI Governance RapidViews

Governance functions for BI Developers & BI Managers...

Governance functions for BI Developers & BI Managers...

Data Search

Easily find the Analytics content that you are interested in : reports, semantic layers, datamarts, views, data sources (tables).

Data Lineage

Control and visualise the sources of your Analytics objects (a report, a semantic layer, a datamart, a view)

Impact Analysis

Control and visualise the impact on your Analytics objects

but also for business users

but also for business users

Business Catalog

Organise your Analytics objects into your company’s processes

Analytics Hub

All your Analytics in a single platform


View your KPIs by process and by report

Give a new dimension to your Analytics project

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