Organize your Analytics objects

With the BI Smart Repository, structure all your BI objects as you wish.

Thanks to the Business Catalog, you have the possibility of organizing all of your Analytics developments by services, by business processes, by SAP processes.

Business Catalog benefits

Structure your Analytics content

Visualisez vos contenus Analytics par process métier pour retrouver plus facilement les informations.

Unite your employees

Impliquez vos équipes dans le processus décisionnel en facilitant leur collaboration autour des contenus Analytics.

Find new ideas

Find ideas for new reports or new indicators to improve the performance of your business.

Improve onboarding

By intelligently structuring your Analytics content, this makes it easier to integrate your new employees by quickly providing them with relevant content.

BI Smart Repository latest posts

RapidViews Platform : The new features of version 5.3

13 November 2024

BI Smart Repository : new features in version 5.2

2 August 2024

BI Smart Repository : The new features of version 5.1

17 June 2024