RapidViews Platform : new features in version 5.2

RapidViews Platform : new features in version 5.2

The RapidViews platform continues to evolve, with a host of new features in version 5.2 ! As a reminder, the RapidViews platform will help you to accelerate, centralize and control your Analytics projects.


  • Global feature rework
  • Quick access added to landing page
KPI Hub Home - Plateforme RapidViews

Custom Integrator

New Semantic and Reports connector – DIGDASH

Connecteur DigDash RapidViews

  • SAP FIORI – Added standard SAP FIORI Tiles for SAP Referentials

Connecteur SAP Fiori RapidViews

    • Tiles are currently being imported in Production
  • Global Improvements on Tableau Software connector


  • Search improvement by searching key words in client manually typed data (functional explanations)
  • Global design improvements on Data Catalog

Data Search

  • Search improvement by searching key words in client manually typed data (functional explanations)


  • Global design improvements on Wizard Results

Minority Extractor

  • ClickOnce App Deployment
    • Auto-Update on launch
    • App Download and Installation is easier
  • DigDash reports exports
  • BW object exports: BW Datasources, Info Objects, ADSO and Composite Providers by ABAP connector
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