Overview of the SAP MM module

What is SAP MM?

The SAP MM (Material Management) module is one of the logistics modules of SAP and concerns the management of materials. There are 2 main components :

  • MM Stocks : Stock management
  • MM Purchasing : Purchasing and supply management

The rest of this article presents these different SAP MM modules in detail.

MM Stocks

The MM “Stocks” section allows you to :

  • Manage material stocks in quantity and value : each entry, exit or transfer increments or decrements the stock.
  • Recording stock movements (entries, exits, transfers) and integration with other areas (purchasing, accounting). The MM module has total traceability: any movement is recorded, it can be cancelled by a counter entry but never deleted.
  • Reserve stock quantities for materialized requirements in the ERP such as component requirements for production orders or finished goods reservations for customer orders.
  • Manage stocks by material “batch” (option to be activated in the MM module and which allows a notion of “Use By” date). It meets a need for fine traceability and allows upward or downward traceability of material supplies up to delivery of the finished product to the customer.
  • Carry out the physical inventory

Examples of MM Stocks reports

These sample reports are available in the report library of the RapidViews MM module.

Report : Inventory Management

Report : Reservation List

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MM Purchasing

The MM “Purchasing” section allows you to :

  • Planning the needs
  • Controlling supplies
  • Manage purchasing (ordering stock items, ordering non-stock items such as office supplies, printing orders or sending via EDI, price lists, sources of supply).
  • Manage supplies (stock monitoring, needs analysis, in-progress monitoring)
  • Checking invoices (integration with accounting)
  • Manage subcontracting (provision of components, display of stocks at subcontracting partners)
  • Manage supplier payments and the valuation of goods via SAP FI

The purchasing and procurement process forms a cycle that could be described as follows :

SAP MM process purchasing procurement

Following the identification of requirements, a purchase requisition is entered into SAP. When the request is validated, a purchase order is created based on the selection of previously referenced sources of supply and suppliers.) The order is then tracked. What is delivered is checked against the order (weight/quantities/amounts/invoices). Goods receipts are made at MM Stocks level, supplier payments are then made. The data is then passed on to the accounting system (SAP-FICO).

Examples of MM Purchasing reports

These sample reports are available in the report library of the RapidViews MM module.

Report : Contract Details

Report : Purchasing Requisition Delay

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