Overview of the SAP SD module

What is SAP SD

The SD (Sales and Distribution) module is one of SAP’s logistics modules and concerns sales administration. It contains the 3 main components related to sales, ordering, delivery and invoicing and in more detail :

  • Order
    • Management of calls for tender
    • Offers
    • Contracts
    • Orders
  • Delivery
    • Deliveries
    • Shipments
  • Billing
    • Determination of discounts
    • Determination of prices
    • Partner schemes
    • Invoices

The SD sales cycle could be represented as follows :

Sales cycle sap

The SD control

The SD order is a document created manually, by interface, using a pre-sales document such as a quotation or a contract. Its main functions are :

  • Generate post-sale documents for contracts, commercial offers, calls for tender
  • Generate purchase orders
  • Check that the stock will be available on the desired delivery date, manage partial orders or not
  • To determine the dates of availability of the goods, taking into account the preparation, loading and transport times
  • Monitor the progress of the order through a status system
  • To have the document flow between the 3 main documents SD order/delivery/invoicing

Examples of SD order reports

These sample reports are available in the RapidViews SD module report library.

Control panel

Order volume dashboard by year, quarter, country, order type. Direct links to detailed reports.

Customer order history

Detailed invoice history for a given customer.

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SD delivery

The SD delivery is a document from one or more sales orders and the main functions of the delivery are :

  • Create an order preparation form for logistics
  • Calculate the packing information taking into account the items
    (dimensions, weight, quantity, …)
  • Generate the goods issue and move the stocks in the MM stocks section
  • To trace the shipment
  • Print the delivery form that will accompany the goods

Examples of SD delivery reports

These sample reports are available in the RapidViews SD module report library.

OTIF Dashboards

OTIF dashboard by Year, Division, Customer and Item.

Delivery schedule

Delivery schedule dashboard by company, plant, schedule line type and date.

The SD invoice

The SD invoice is a document resulting from one or more orders or deliveries and the main functions of the invoice are :

  • Generate the invoice
  • Generate credit notes in the event of a sale cancellation or claim
  • Generate debit or credit notes
  • Generate pro forma invoices

The SAP setup allows you to create different types of documents within the 3 main SD components. These documents can then have different functional reasons, business rules and behaviour.

The SD module also allows you to manage price conditions, commercial offers, bills of material made up of several unit items (example: a POS display)

These 3 main SD documents order/delivery/invoicing can be generated manually or automatically using scheduled programs.

Examples of SD billing reports

These sample reports are available in the RapidViews SD module report library.

Balance sheet

Status of margins and turnover by customer, item, year, country, region and direct links to detailed reports.

Margins dashboard

Dashboard of margins by year, quarter, month, geographical area and sales organisation. Direct links to detailed reports

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